Kverneland Exacta TL GEOSPREAD
GPS-i toega nutikas laotamine (kuni 1 meetri laiuste sektsioonide kaupa) väetiselaoturiga Exacta TL GEOSPREAD.
Laitmatu laotustulemus!
Kverneland Exacta TL GEOSPREAD võimaldab saavutada laitmatu laotustulemuse! Süsteemi GEOSPREAD sektsioonide juhtimine suudab toimida alates 1 meetri laiusest. Kuni 54 sektsiooni ja võimalus lülitada sektsioone üle töölaiuse keskkoha võimaldab tarbetuid ülekatteid täielikult vältida. Laoturi Exacta TL GEOSPREAD 4 kaaluandurit ja võrdlusandur on möödapääsmatud omadused, sest sektsioonide juhtimiseks on täpne kaalumine ülioluline. GEOSPREAD-i kogukasu koos kiirusest sõltuva laotamise ja GEOPOINT-i pöörealade haldussüsteemiga võib olla kuni 15%. Seda saab saavutada väetise säästmise ja paremate saakidega, kuna tarbetud ülekatted puuduvad. Koos muutuva laotusnormi rakendusega MULTIRATE, mis rakendab töölaiuse ulatuses mitu laotusnormi, on võimalik saavutada veelgi kulusäästlikum laotamine. Väetiselaoturil Kverneland Exacta TL GEOSPREAD on ISOBUS-i tugi ja AEF sertifikaat. Väetiselaoturit saab kasutada koos terminaliga IsoMatch Tellus PRO, IsoMatch Tellus GO+ või mõne muu ISOBUS-i toega traktoriterminaliga.
- CentreFlow laotussüsteem
- Täisautomaatne ainulaadse võrdlusanduriga kaalumissüsteem
- Ainulaadne kahe elektrikäituriga GEOSPREAD süsteem
- Kuni 54 sektsiooni juhtimine 1 meetri laiuste sektsioonide kaupa (sõltuvalt terminali võimekusest)
- ISOBUS 11783-toega „ühenda ja kasuta“ süsteem
- Võimalik kasutada koos IsoMatch GEOCONTROL’iga
- MULTIRATE töölaiuse ulatuses mitme laotusnormi rakendamiseks
Tehnilised andmed
Exacta TL GEOSPREAD (kitsas) |
TL 1500 |
TL 2150 |
TL 2800 |
TL 3450 |
Punkri maht (l) |
1500 |
2150 |
28000 |
3450 |
Laadimiskõrgus (cm) |
119 |
138 |
157 |
176 |
Laius (cm) |
275 |
Laadimislaius (cm) |
269 |
Tühimass (kg) |
655 |
685 |
715 |
745 |
Laotuslaius (m) |
12 - 54* |
Tootlikkus (kg/min) |
10 - 320 |
* Sõltuvalt väetise tüübist ja labade tüübist.
Exacta TL GEOSPREAD (lai) |
TL 1875 |
TL 2550 |
TL 3225 |
TL 3900 |
Punkti maht (l) |
1875 |
2550 |
3225 |
3900 |
Laadimiskõrgus (cm) |
119 |
138 |
157 |
176 |
Laius (cm) |
290 |
Laadimislaius (cm) |
284 |
Tühimass (kg) |
695 |
725 |
755 |
785 |
Laotuslaius (m) |
12 - 54* |
Tootlikkus (kg/min) |
10 - 320 |
* Sõltuvalt väetise tüübist ja labade tüübist.
For easy and cost effective spreading
MULTIRATE (Variable Rate Application) applies multiple rates within a working width.
In order to spread the right amount of fertiliser at a specific place in a field there is a need to have a different rate within the working width. Depending on the field variation and the size of the grid of the variable application map, input of 2, 4, 6 or 8 rate sections can be used. This means a more accurate application of nutrients to have a better nutrient efficiency, better yield and reduce costs.
With a Kverneland GEOSPREAD spreader you invest in 100% ISOBUS compatibility for easy plug and play with the IsoMatch Tellus PRO or any other AEF certified terminal. In just some steps with this combination you are ready to use MULTIRATE. You have to convert a satellite or soil map into an ISO-XML file. Download the Variable Rate Map into the terminal and you are ready to spread with MULTIRATE with 2 up to 8 rates.
- No impact, no fragmentation, no dust: Central release point, smooth acceleration and centrifugal force accelerates fertiliser up to disc speed before it reaches the vane.
- Accurate spreading pattern: A double overlap spreading pattern gives unrivalled accuracy. The 8 vanes per discs are ensuring a continous flow of fertiliser to the field. This is important for high capacity spreading and forward speed.
- Minimal wind influence, maximum tolerance: Flat discs and a horizontal flow of fertiliser give a symmetrical spreading pattern.
- Consistent spreading pattern: Eight vanes per disc, eight sectors per revolution give an equal distribution. Double overlap spreading pattern.
- Guaranteed accuracy on slopes: guaranteed accuracy on slopes. The fertiliser always contacts the vanes at the same point, also on slopes and travels the complete length of the vane.
- Continuous dynamic "online - calibration" with high frequency communication signal.
- Kvernelands unique reference sensor technology: all negative influences are automatically corrected and eliminated, ensuring utmost spreading accuracy even on hill sides. The Kverneland reference sensor gives you absolute accuracy, because every kilo counts!
- Load cells in combination with the unique reference sensor:
- Auto calibrating and continuous weighing system
- Automatic correction on slopes
- Automatic correction of shocks, even on rough terrain
- Automatic speed related dosing system
- No calibration test needed
- Highest accuracy in all conditions: even spreading quality guaranteed! Save costs and increase quality!
- The compact EasySet 'dashboard' gives you considerably simplified accurate setting and adjustment of application rates. Two hydraulically operated metering plates, each with three discharge openings ensure an equal fertiliser flow from the hopper to the spreading discs.
- The development department of Kvernelands spreader R&D team has its own spreader competence centre in order to allow continuous testing throughout the year. All test are carried out according to the strictest international standards and quality requirements.
- The key to accurate spreading is matching fertiliser quality and litre weight with the spreading charts as close as possible. The Kverneland Exacta checklist helps you to ensure consistent accuracy in all field conditions
1. Select fertiliser type
2. Determine granule size and distribution
3. Determine litre weight
- Direct access to the most recent test results at: www.kvernelandspreadingcharts.com or download the spreading charts Application via the App Store or get it on Google Play
With the AutosetApp you have always the most up to date settings for your weighing spreader available. There are two ways to make use of the AutosetApp.
Exacta-CL/TL/TLX GEOSPREAD in combination with Kverneland Sync
Via the AutosetApp functionality within the Kverneland SpreadApp you can set-up your GEOSPREAD spreader in combination with a Kverneland Sync, via your mobile device.
Through the Bluetooth connection, operators can seamlessly connect the GEOSPREAD spreader to a mobile device, such as smartphone or tablet, using the AutosetApp functionality. This allows for the efficient transfer of spreader settings and presets directly from the mobile device to the spreader.
The benefits of this connectivity include error-free storage and transfer of spreading jobs. Additionally, the integrated filling calculator provides an exact measurement of the fertiliser needed to complete the spreading job, while real-time weight updates in the hopper are displayed directly on the App during filling, improving efficiency and accuracy.
Exacta-CL EW/CL W PRO/TL and all GEOSPREAD models without Kverneland Sync
The AutosetApp is an App (software application) that is also available on the IsoMatch Tellus PRO or IsoMatch Tellus GO+ terminal. The AutosetApp is standard integrated into the IsoMatch GEOCONTROL software. This App connects the terminal directly with the GEOSPREAD weighing spreader and will automatically adjust the spreader according to the settings entered into the App. The AutosetApp will also work in combination with the CL-EW, W PRO and TL, with the exception being for those spreaders the discharge point (letter setting) still needs to be adjusted manually on the spreader itself.
- Kverneland offers the ExactLine system or manual/hydraulic border spreading plate for border spreading. The ExactLine can be accurately set for all types of fertiliser and for all working widths. Operation is easy, no need to leave the tractor seat. For the CL GEOSPREAD, HL, TL TLX GEOSPREAD (iDC) models the ExactLine can even be fitted on the left- and right-hand side of the spreader.
- With one-side boundary spreading the tractor is driven approximately 2 metres from the field border.
- With boundary track spreading the tractor is driving in the first tramline and is spreading to the border. The distance to the border is the half of the working width.
- The Border Spreading Indicator (BSI) on the standard weighing spreaders (Exacta CL EW, Exacta CL W PRO, Exacta TL) indicates which border spreading device is active. For the GEOSPREAD machines this is integrated in the electronics and the active device will be displayed on the control terminal in the cab.
- A Central Hydraulic Drive is as option available for spreading without PTO shaft, for the HL, TL and TL/TLX GEOSPREAD.
- Easy to assemble aluminium hopper extensions are available to increase hopper capacity.
- An easy to fold in and out hopper cover is as option available. Simple to fit! It can be the manual folded hopper cover or the electrical version which can be controlled from the tractor cab.
- Left/right shut off valve for spreading at half working widths is optional available.
- To ensure a consistent flow when spreading low quantities, the CentreFlow system is equipped with a fine application kit. Ideal for spreading low quantities, seeds and slug pellets.
- Delta shaped heavy duty grids are standard equipment of the Exacta HL, TL, TL/TLX GEOSPREAD (iDC) spreaders.
- Central gear box with 2 input shafts for high and low disc speed settings is standard equipment of the HL, TL, TL/TLX GEOSPREAD (iDC) spreaders.
- Hopper emptying kit is optional available to easy get the last fertiliser out of your hopper.
- Easy calibration is done with the optional calibration container.
- Long lifetime LED lighting set is standard equipment for the HL, TL, TL/TLX GEOSPREAD (iDC).
- The mud guards (option) protect the spreading disc against mud, water etc.
Kui Exacta CL, TL ja TLX GEOSPREAD laoturit kasutada koos IsoMatch GEOCONTROL tarkvaraga, on neid võimalik veelgi täpsemalt seadistada. Kasutades GPS positsioneerimissüsteemi, muutub töölaius automaatselt, olenevalt ülekatetest. Näiteks töötades kiilukujulisel või ebekorrapärase kujuga põllul, hakkab GEOSPREAD töölaiust astmeliselt vähendama. GEOSPREAD kasutab IsoMatch Tellus PRO või IsoMatch Tellus GO terminalides oleva GEOCONTROL tarkvara sektsiooni juhtimise funktsiooni. Laoturi töölaius on jagatud minimaalselt 1m laiusteks sektsioonideks (TLX GEOSPREAD’l maksimaalselt 45 sektsiooni, TL GEOSPREAD’l maksimaalselt 54 sektsiooni ja CL GEOSPREAD’l maksimaalselt 33 sektsiooni). Ei muutu mitte ainult töölaius, vaid koos sellega muutub ka väetise vooluhulk (kg/min), et hoida vajalikku laotusnormi. Selline töölaiuse ja vooluhulga muutumise koostöö teeb GEOSPREAD süsteemi äärmiselt täpseks ning avaldab minimaalset mõju väetise laotuse ebaühtlusele.
- Kiire ja täpne laotamine tänu aktuaatorite vahetule ühendusele väljavoolu mehhanismi külge. Puuduvad vahelülid.
- Stabiilne ketaste pöörlemissagedus kombineerituna väljavoolupunkti seadistamisega säilitab ühtlase laotusmustri (väike ebaühtluse tegur)
- Sektsioonikontroll 1 m laiuste sektsioonidega (sõltuvalt kasutatava terminali võimekusest)
- Lihtne kasutamine – töölaiuse muutmiseks ei ole vaja traktorist väljuda
- 100% ISOBUS ühilduv lihtsaks töötamiseks
- Automaatne sisse/väljalülitamine GPS poolt põllu otstes